Whether you are an ambitious explorer, a creative thinker or a passionate leader, we want you to be the best and the happiest you can be. 

Our main entry points are Year 3, Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12, but if we have places we will consider applications for other year groups from Year 4 to Year 10.

This page will give you a general overview of the admissions process, but if you would like specific information and key dates, type you child's date of birth into the box below. 

Start Your Journey
Enter your child's date of birth to discover the key steps to joining us.
What is your child's date of birth?

Step 1: Open Event

Join us for an open event. You can explore the school, take part in activities and demonstrations, ask lots of questions and decide if Freemen's is the right fit for you. We recommend you come the year before you wish to apply, but will be delighted to see you whenever you can visit.  

Book onto an open event

Step 2: Register Your Child

Complete the online application form by 1 October the year before you wish to join.

There is a £200 (inclusive of VAT) non-refundable registration fee, which you can pay at the time you make your application.

Apply Now

Step 3: Entrance Assessments

We consider the following when deciding to offer a place:

  • Written assessments in English, Mathematics and Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • A one-to-one interview, which allows us to find out more about your child's personality and interests
  • Small group activities for children applying to join Year 7 to Year 10
  • A confidential report from your child's current school

The assessments will take place in November for children who want to join Year 7 and above and in December for anyone wanting to join Year 3 to Year 6.

Sixth Form Applicants

Sixth Form external applicants do not need to sit entrance assessments if they have an average score of 6.0 across at least 7 GCSEs and the following will be considered:

  • Predicted grades: an average score of 6.0 across at least 7 GCSEs and specific requirements in the subjects you wish to study at A Level.
  • A Sixth Form Questionnaire you will be asked to complete after applying
  • A one-to-one interview with a member of the Sixth Form team
  • A confidential report from your current school

Interviews will take place in November. 

Step 4: Offers of Places and Taster Events

Decision letters will be sent by email in mid-December.

The time you have to accept your place will vary depending on which year group you apply for. Most will have until the end of January. Those applying for Year 7 will have until the first working weekday in March.

We run taster events for anyone with offers sometime in January and February if you have not made up your mind. The children will enjoy some fun activities, while parents can talk to staff and get answers to any of those last minute questions.

Step 5: Acceptance

To accept your place, you will need to sign and return the acceptance form with the £2,000 deposit for day pupils and a full term's fees for boarders.

We send out the New Starters Pack with all the information you will need to join the school sometime after the Easter holidays.

Step 6: Induction Events

We hold induction for pupils and parents towards the end of the Summer Term. Children and young people will have the chance to meet their class or tutor group, as well as their teachers or tutors. Parents are invited to an evening reception to meet other parents and have talks from the relevant of Heads of School.

 Step 7: First Day

We will make sure you have everything you need to start on the first day of term. We hold a coffee morning for parents once you have dropped your child off.

Contact Admissions:

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Team directly on 01372 822423 or email [email protected]

Blonde haired boy climbing through a climbing frame in his Freemen's blazer